Top Ten Quarantine Lessons

Top Ten Quarantine Lessons

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Like all devastating events we never would have chosen, there are useful lessons that serve us well long after the event ends.

So it is with being quarantined.

Here’s my top ten list of what has most stood out to me:

  1. There is always time to connect with friends. Even a 5-minute call brings a smile and renews and reinforces that important bond.

  2. Not everything is urgent. It’s eye-opening how many “to do” items can easily move from the “urgent” to the “important” list.

  3. It’s easy to “make do.” Blank note cards become birthday cards, there’s always something to stir fry, Lysol drenched paper towels become disinfecting wipes, etc.

  4. There are millions of loving, heart-centered people in the world. I am blown away by the generosity of spirit, time, expertise and resources devoted to helping others.

  5. The delight of fresh air. With fewer reasons to leave home, just stepping outside to walk feels more wonderful than ever.

  6. Simple(r) living makes for a more peaceful life. Not rushing to a meeting, lunch or an appointment provides an overall sense of calm.

  7. Technology is grand. From virtual meetings to virtual funerals to virtual teaching (I’ve experienced all three), we’re able to stay connected professionally, personally, and educationally.

  8. Heroes wear various uniforms. Healthcare workers, mail carriers, grocery and drug store employees, police officers, firefighters, veterinarians and others go to work despite the risk.

  9. Laughter is a must. Laughter provides moments of lightness and freedom during a dark time.

  10. Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude. Being healthy and having a home, food, clean water, medical care, money, a car and safety is everything. Period.

What’s on your list? Let’s share to uplift each other.

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Stay well.

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